LGBTQIA+ Therapy

Therapy for the LGBTQIA+ community in Los Gatos, Campbell, and San Jose

People who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community are constantly seeking environments where they feel validated, supported, and encouraged to be authentic to their true selves. Our practice aims to provide mental and emotional care to those who are looking for a new space to grow.

To schedule an appointment, complete our quick and easy form. We will get back to you that same day! We are ready to help you get going in the right direction with therapy.

The LGBTQIA+ community consists of individuals who identify as:

● Lesbian
● Gay
● Bisexual
● Transgender
● Queer
● Intersex
● Asexual

While these are the sexualities, genders, and identifications that are labeled, there is no limit to the representation that can fall within this community. Some people know who they are and what they like, but for others still finding their way it can be difficult to explore what these identities mean in an unsupportive or limiting surrounding.

Navigating Authenticity in Therapy Is A Journey

For someone to feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable about their identity and experiences takes a lot of courage. That is why we believe in creating a space for individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community to feel like they belong without any stipulations, judgment, or hassle.

We seek to provide therapy that is tailored to each client’s individual needs and concerns with every session. This means being open to seeing a variety of clients who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community, from those who are open about their identity to those who are seeking the next step in embracing who they are.

Are you in a relationship?

We have couple’s therapists who can help navigate your relationship stress, tension and conflict. Click here to learn more. 

Unique Identities Require Unique Care

Individuals who are seeking therapy specifically adapted for the LGBTQIA+ community may
have a broad range of issues, obstacles, or challenges that therapy can help with. Some of
these hurdles may include:

  • Seeking support systems both within and outside of the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Understanding what their identity means to them
  • Boundary setting and when they are necessary
  • Coming out to friends and family members
  • Finding how to express themselves in ways that feel authentic
  • Anxiety and/or depression concerns

Accepting Yourself Is The First Step

For every individual who enters therapy, the work of accepting and acknowledging themselves is a journey that must be taken. For those in the LGBTQIA+ community, this journey can look a little different than the heteronormative people around you. What matters is your ability to see yourself for the amazing and unique individual that you are, instead of trying to fit into a mold that others have cast onto you. The goal of therapy is to help you find the person within who faces fears and challenges with a sense of pride that you can overcome whatever mental or emotional block that lies ahead.

Start Your Acceptance Therapy Journey Today

If you are ready to explore the things that make you unique and accept the parts of yourself that may have been hidden before, then please reach out to our office to learn more about how therapy can help!

lgbtqia+ couples therapy